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A social networking platform combining elements of social media, professional networking, and e-commerce

#Startup, #SocialMedia
personas, sitemaps, wire-framing, lo + high fidelity

What is Webtalk?

Webtalk is a social networking platform that combines elements of social media, professional networking, and e-commerce. The platform is designed to help users build and manage their personal and professional networks, and to facilitate communication, collaboration, and business opportunities.

Webtalk's unique selling proposition is its revenue-sharing model, which allows users to earn a share of the advertising revenue generated by their content and network activity. Users can also earn rewards for referring new users to the platform, and for participating in other promotional activities.

The Problem

The current landscape of social networking platforms lacks an efficient and effective solution for individuals who desire to maintain a clear separation between their personal and professional lives. Additionally, there is a lack of opportunities for users to leverage their network and generate income through a multilevel marketing (MLM) structure integrated into the platform. To address these limitations, there was a desire to create an application that could handle this, called Webtalk, and that it provides users with a distinct space for personal and professional interactions while offering a monetization model through an MLM layer.

The Solution

A Social Networking platform that allows clear lines of separation between Personal, Professional, and Business Accounts (where needed) with an MLM component in the near future.

Understanding the User

I started the research process by analyzing data taken from user surveys. This helped me learn what struggles users face when using social media and what some of their most common pain points are.

Research Insight

Here were some of the insights gathered from the research:

  • Users would like to know more about the data being collected on them and how it will be used

  • Users frequently cited privacy as the main concern between their personal and professional lives

  • There is a desire among some Users to have an easier way to monetize their social media activity


Following the analysis of user research findings, the next step was to develop personas, which aided in envisioning the intended audience. To facilitate the design process, I ensured that one particular persona effectively represented a user that was interested in exploring a network that has both personal and professional capabilities, and who was enthusiastic about improving the workflow process, taking into account their pain points and frustrations. This persona served as a constant reference point throughout the entirety of the product design journey, helping to maintain a clear focus when making design choices.

Webtalk Persona


Afterward, the focus shifted towards conceptualizing the structure of the product mainly thinking about what the functions and main actions required at this particular part of the process.

Given this perspective, I prioritized the use of desktop computers or tablets and proceeded to design a sitemap that visually depicted the primary user journey within the product.


At the onset of the design phase, I initiated the process by creating preliminary sketches outlining the desired page layout. My objective was to enable users to easily navigate between their personal and professional networks while having he assurance that their information was not crossing that personal/professional barrier.

Low-Fidelity Prototype

With the foundation of the website's structure in place, the next step involved crafting low-fidelity wireframes. These wireframes served as initial representations of each screen's layout and content. Subsequently, these wireframes were transformed into lo-fi prototypes, allowing for a rapid assessment of how the screens should seamlessly flow together.

User Testing

Before moving on to high-fidelity mockups, I tested the lo-fi prototype on five different participants in an unmoderated usability study. Here are some of the improvements made based on user feedback:

  • Users suggested making the navigation easier

  • Users stated that the feel was similar to other social media sites

  • Users wanted to know how privacy settings could be accessed

Final Design

After taking into account user feedback and iterating on the prototype, the final design was complete. Because the social media process can be stressful to start all over we made it easy for users to invite friends and import contacts.

Personal Profile
Personal Profile
Professional Profile
Professional Profile

Privacy Options
Privacy Options


Reflecting on the Webtalk project, one key area where you would have made a different approach is by involving user testing early on in the development process. Although having a visionary CEO can bring direction and inspiration to a company, it is crucial to validate assumptions and ideas objectively by prioritizing the end users' needs and preferences. Here's how I think user testing could have been integrated into the project to improve the end results:

  • Establish User-Centric Approach: From the outset, prioritizing a user-centric approach by involving a dedicated user experience (UX) team or incorporating user-centered design principles. The team would ensure that user feedback and insights would be what's driving product decisions rather than relying solely on the CEO's vision.

  • Conduct Early User Research: Conduct extensive user research to understand the target audience's preferences, pain points, and behaviors. Gather feedback through interviews, surveys, and usability testing to gain valuable insights into their needs and expectations.

Next Steps

  • What would a mobile application look like? This project only focused on a desktop website experience. It would be interesting to see what a dedicated mobile application would look like with the same user ended goals in mind.

  • What can be improved with the design? UX design is an ongoing process. The next steps include continuing usability testing and constant iteration.

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